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File Renamer basic

  • for all file at a time convert this name.
  • no time
  • its free
File Renamer Basic makes it easy to rename files, folders, MP3 files and edit ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags. It provides as intuitive layout in as few screens as possible to rename files with ease. Can even view thumbnails and rename lists of files.

A good file renamer can make your life easier, especially if you take a lot of snapshots or have a large and ever-changing music collection. File Renamer Basic from Sherrod Computers is a free tool that can rename, copy, and move your files and folders based on a wide range of properties and options. It can scan thumbnails, filter files by extension, and add prefixes, suffixes, and other elements, including unique parameters. You can preview changes before File Renamer makes them, and Undo them after, if you like.

File Renamer Basic opens with an optional Tool Tip. The user interface is a bit crowded, with lots of functions tucked here and there, but the Office-style Ribbon toolbar helps keep tidy. All the tools and settings you need are grouped together in the main window; for example, the settings for renaming files or folders are grouped with the Copy/Move options at the end of the file entry field (including a Copy To directory that is inactive until needed). File Renamer Basic has an Explorer-style tree view for browsing to and adding files, including subfolders. The bottom half of the interface is where you configure the program's actions. Under File Name Properties, we could edit or exclude Prefix, Filename, Separator, Unique Parameter, Suffix, and Extension. A nice touch: File Renamer Basic displays a sample file name using your selections in a large font in the bottom panel. The Delete/Insert/Remove tab includes settings for both Starting Position and Number of Characters, while the Find/Replace tab offered useful options such as case and extension settings. The Advanced tab lets users create specific file names; it includes a useful tool to search for and insert EXIF keywords. File Renamer Basic also edits ID3 tags and renames lists.
Large buttons labeled Apply, Undo, and Preview make File Renamer Basic very easy to figure out and use, though an extensive Help menu offers plenty of resources, including a full manual and a forum. File Renamer Basic worked fast and well for single files and batches. We liked being able to create and save profiles for regular jobs, too.

                                                    HOW TO USE THIS SOFTWERE
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Milan Tomic

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