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Hidden Features Windows

Windows Hidden Features 

that You don’t Know

PC’s Resources

Every day when you use Computers, we use lots of apps & tool
 to easy our work.Some of these are free & some other are paid
 or trial. Today I am going to discuss here some of the Windows
hidden features that we don’t know or we use them rarely. These
features easy our work as well as help us to sort lots of problems
 in our PC. These tools or apps are inbuilt & free to use.

Windows Hidden Features 

Snipping Tool: -

You want more screen grab options; windows can capture entire
 screen to clipboard if Windows Hidden Featuresyou press [Print Screen], or just the current
 window if you press [Alt] + [Print Screen]. If you want more, though,
 launch SnippingTool.exe. It can also grab rectangular or even
 freehand areas from any part of screen you like.

Easy Transfer

Windows Hidden Features easy transfer

if you are changing your PC and want to move your old files to new one.
Then Easy Transfer is a tool supplied with Windows that makes this
 very simple. Search in start for Easy Transfer in Windows.
Help for more details.

Display Color Calibration Wizard

If your monitor’s colors are inaccurate. First try adjusting with your monitor’s
physical control. If that’s no help, click ‘Start’, type DCCW.EXE and Press [Enter]
 to launch the Display Color Calibration Wizard, which should help you,
Windows Hidden Featuresimprove the situation.


Windows Hidden Features

If your text doesn’t look clear enough then Launch CTTUNE (the Clear
 Type text tuning wizard) from the Start and follow the instructions provided.

Virus Removal

Your pc infected with virus, before you try downloading a security tool,
 click ‘Start’, type MRT and press [Enter]. If it’s installed you will see 
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, which may be able 
Windows Hidden Featuresto help remove the virus from your PC.


When you want to figure out why your system acting flaky, the Reliability
 Monitor helps you a lot. Click on ‘Start’, type Reliability and press [Enter].
You will get a graph of your system’s stability index over a period of days
 and weeks. It display you which of the programs, components, or
miscellaneous crashed on a given day, helping you to identify the problem.

Windows Hidden Features relibility 

Problem Steps Recorder

When you need outside PC help, it’s much better to let them see for
themselves what’s happening on your system. But if remote access
 isn’t an option, the Problem Steps Recorder may be the next best thing.
Windows Hidden Features

Click on ‘Start’, type PSR and press [Enter].Click on Start Record,
 and this will record your activities through a series of screen shots,
 automatically including captions that show exactly where you clicked.
You can also use the Add Comment button to highlight specific areas
 of the screen and insert custom annotations. When you stop recording,
 everything will be stitched together and saved as a Web browser-compatible
 MHTML (MIME HTML) file, conveniently pre-Zipped and ready for
e-mailing to your geek of choice.
How can I tell what’s tying up my PC’s Resources? Click ‘Start’,
type resmonand press [Enter]. Your PC will tell you what’s using CPU,
 hard drive and internet connections.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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