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how to remove virus without using antivirus

how to remove virus without using antivirus / remove virus using command prompt

In this post I will tell you how to remove virus from your computer using command prompt only. Generally for removing viruses from computer we use antivirus program. But I have a trick by which you can delete viruses from your computer without antivirus by just using command prompt. So follow these steps to do it :

  1. At first open command prompt. For this press "windows+r " key and write cmd then press enter or you can simply write "cmd" in search box after clicking start button.
  2. Now type in the command prompt [drive_letter]: and press enter. suppose if you want to search "D" drive for viruses then you have to type like this in command prompt  d:   and now press enter.
  3. You have entered in the D drive . Now we will see all the files in this drive including hidden file. For this type dir /w/a  in the command prompt and press enter key. It will show the list of all the files in this drive.
  4. Now you have to identify autorun.inf and .exe files in the directory. these may be viruses if they are not softwares saved by you in those drives.
  5.  Now use the command  -r -a -s -h  to remove the attributes of all the files in the directory.
  6.  For deleting the autorun file type del autorun.inf and press enter.
  7. Suppose you found the virus named xyz.exe then to delete it type the command del xyz.exe  and press enter.
  8.  In this way you have deleted the virus . But in some cases the virus resides in the Recycler folder . You will have to go to recycler folder to delete it. So type cd recycler and press Enter.
  9.  Now check this recycler folder by typing the command dir /w/a
  10. If you find here again autorun.inf or xyz.exe type files then use the command  -r -a -s -h  to remove the attributes of all the files in the directory.
  11.  Again delete the infected files by the command del autorun.inf and del zyz.exe
In this way you have successfully deleted virus from your computer using command prompt.

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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